Magazines Drive Traffic More Than Any Media

Magazines drive more traffic then any other medium.

“A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.” Henry Ford
You’re all set. You have your brick-n-mortar AND your cyber storefronts all ready for business. You’ve worked hard and are ready for those cash registers to start ringin’.

But wait…where is everyone? Not getting the traffic you imagined?

This is where that persistance part kicks in. You’ve heard successful business people say it before, but now you are facing it front and center! You not only persistently have to manage everything, you have to constantly be in marketing mode. There is more than one way to do everything, and in marketing, the rule is Do Them All. That includes everything and anything you can think of, and then some, and keep up the pace for the rest of your life.

Exhausted? Yes it can be exhausting. But WAIT. There are some strategies that are are better than others ….

Magazines. Yes, magazines. The old analog medium that has been around for centuries. Still, even with the origination of Facebook, magazines have gained more than a million readers! Whoa!

Even better still, magazines rank Number 1 in influencing consumers to start an online search.

That means, advertising consistently in magazines will drive your customers not only to your door but to your website as well.

As marketing genius Henry Ford said, “A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.”

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